
SchemaSpy Analysis of cxgn_breedbase.sgn

Generated on Fri Jul 19 16:35 EDT 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 144
Anomalies 31
Routines 47

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 11.22 (Debian 11.22-0+deb10u2)


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
accession 16 3 6 0 Table
groups 4 0 3 0 Table
common_name 5 0 2 1 Table
ests_mapped_by_clone 0 2 3 0 Table
fish_image 0 0 3 0 Table
family_tree 0 1 5 0 Table
cds 3 2 15 0 Table
annotation_target_type 1 0 5 0 Table
tigrtc_membership 0 2 4 0 Table
snp_file 0 2 3 0 Table
marker 30 0 2 567 Table
fish_karyotype_constants 0 0 6 0 Table
facility 1 2 14 0 Table
library 1 5 27 0 Table
deprecated_marker_types 1 0 4 0 Table
ssr_primer_unigene_matches 0 2 10 0 Table
organismgroup_member 0 2 3 0 Table
tm_markers_sequences 0 0 4 0 Table
common_nameprop 0 2 5 0 Table
deprecated_markers 4 1 3 0 Table
tigrtc_index 2 0 2 0 Table
blast_db_blast_db_group 0 2 3 1 Table
pcr_exp_accession 1 3 4 0 Table
map 4 7 13 0 Table
interpro_go 0 2 3 0 Table
domain 1 3 8 0 Table
derived_from_source 1 0 5 0 Table
cosii_ortholog 0 4 9 0 Table
unigene_build 4 6 12 0 Table
blast_db 4 1 13 1 Table

This table holds metadata about the BLAST databases that we keep in stock.

family 2 1 9 0 Table
pcr_experiment 3 6 15 0 Table
temp_marker_correspondence 0 1 3 0 Table
taxonomy 4 0 3 0 Table
snp 2 6 10 0 Table
unigene 12 2 8 0 Table
marker_collectible 0 2 3 0 Table
enzymes 4 0 2 0 Table
pcr_experiment_sequence 0 3 4 0 Table
marker_collection 1 0 3 0 Table
blast_db_organism 0 2 3 0 Table
deprecated_marker_locations 0 3 7 0 Table
organismgroup 1 0 3 0 Table
domain_match 0 3 10 0 Table
est 4 1 12 0 Table
authors 0 0 3 0 Table
temp_map_correspondence 0 2 3 0 Table
marker_experiment 0 4 6 0 Table
snpprop 0 2 5 0 Table
manual_annotations 0 2 8 0 Table
marker_confidence 1 0 2 1 Table
blast_hits 0 2 9 0 Table
deprecated_mapdata 1 2 6 0 Table
id_linkage 0 0 5 0 Table
linkage_group 2 3 6 0 Table
deprecated_marker_confidences 2 0 3 0 Table
trim_feature_types 0 0 2 0 Table
fish_result_composite 0 3 16 0 Table
loc_types 0 0 3 0 Table
types 1 0 2 0 Table
cos_markers 0 1 16 0 Table
map_version 5 3 8 0 Table
tm_markers 1 2 7 0 Table
deprecated_linkage_groups 1 1 4 0 Table
marker_derived_from 0 2 4 0 Table
cloning_vector 1 0 3 0 Table
temp_caps_correspondence 0 0 3 0 Table
p_markers 1 1 4 0 Table
seqread 2 3 12 0 Table
fish_result 1 6 10 0 Table
deprecated_map_cross 0 2 3 0 Table
experiment_type 1 0 3 1 Table
est_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table
trim_feature 0 1 6 0 Table
family_build 1 0 6 0 Table
group_linkage 0 1 5 0 Table
fish_chromatin_density_constants 2 0 2 0 Table
blast_defline 1 1 6 0 Table
accession_names 1 1 3 0 Table
marker_alias 0 1 4 567 Table
blast_annotations 1 3 9 0 Table
ssr_repeats 0 2 5 0 Table
fish_karyotype_constants_old 2 0 9 0 Table
fish_experimenter 2 0 2 0 Table
microarray 0 1 7 0 Table
misc 0 0 4 0 Table
fish_file 0 0 3 0 Table
pcr_product 0 2 6 0 Table
blast_db_group 2 0 3 1 Table
fish_result_image 0 2 3 0 Table
marker_location 4 3 8 0 Table
organism 4 6 15 0 Table
chadoprop 0 1 4 0 Table

This table is different from other prop tables in the database, as it is for storing information about the database itself, like schema version

rflp_markers 1 3 13 0 Table
primer_unigene_match 0 2 10 0 Table
sequence 7 0 2 0 Table
submit_user 2 1 12 0 Table
deprecated_maps 5 0 15 0 Table
family_member 0 2 7 0 Table
rflp_unigene_associations 0 2 7 0 Table
rflp_sequences 3 0 2 0 Table
qc_report 0 1 15 0 Table
tigrtc_tracking 0 1 4 0 Table
go 1 0 4 0 Table
unigene_consensi 1 0 3 0 Table
clone 2 2 4 0 Table
ssr 2 1 11 0 Table
interpro 2 0 4 0 Table
unigene_member 0 2 8 0 Table
manual_censor_reasons 1 0 2 0 Table
metadata 2 2 8 0 Table
blast_targets 2 0 5 0 Table
enzyme_restriction_sites 0 1 3 0 Table
il_info 0 1 11 0 Table
marker_to_map 0 2 13 0 View