
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
marker_experiment_id serial 10 nextval('sgn.marker_experiment_marker_experiment_id_seq'::regclass)
marker_id int4 10 null
marker.marker_id marker_experiment_marker_id_fkey R
pcr_experiment_id int4 10 null
pcr_experiment.pcr_experiment_id marker_experiment_pcr_experiment_id_fkey R
rflp_experiment_id int4 10 null
rflp_markers.rflp_id marker_experiment_rflp_experiment_id_fkey R
location_id int4 10 null
marker_location.location_id marker_experiment_location_id_fkey C
protocol text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
marker_experiment_pkey Primary key Asc marker_experiment_id
marker_experiment_pcr_experiment_id_key Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc pcr_experiment_id + rflp_experiment_id + location_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
marker_experiment_check (((rflp_experiment_id IS NOT NULL) OR (pcr_experiment_id IS NOT NULL) OR (location_id IS NOT NULL)))
marker_experiment_check1 ((((pcr_experiment_id IS NOT NULL) AND (rflp_experiment_id IS NULL)) OR ((pcr_experiment_id IS NULL) AND (rflp_experiment_id IS NOT NULL)) OR ((pcr_experiment_id IS NULL) AND (rflp_experiment_id IS NULL) AND (location_id IS NOT NULL))))
marker_experiment_rflp_protocol_consistency ((((protocol = 'RFLP'::text) AND (pcr_experiment_id IS NULL)) OR ((protocol <> 'RFLP'::text) AND (rflp_experiment_id IS NULL))))
marker_experiment_protocol_check (((protocol = 'AFLP'::text) OR (protocol = 'CAPS'::text) OR (protocol = 'RAPD'::text) OR (protocol = 'SNP'::text) OR (protocol = 'SSR'::text) OR (protocol = 'RFLP'::text) OR (protocol = 'PCR'::text) OR (protocol = 'dCAPS'::text) OR (protocol = 'DART'::text) OR (protocol = 'OPA'::text) OR (protocol = 'unknown'::text) OR (protocol = 'ASPE'::text) OR (protocol = 'INDEL'::text) OR (protocol = 'QTL'::text)))
