
SchemaSpy Analysis of cxgn_breedbase.sgn_people

Generated on Fri Jul 19 16:36 EDT 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 46
Anomalies 7
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 11.22 (Debian 11.22-0+deb10u2)


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
clone_validation_log 0 2 7 0 Table

table showing which clones have been validated by a variety of methods. columns may be added to this without warning. details about each validation experiment should be written into the comment field on the detail page for the clone

sp_project_il_mapping_clone_log 0 3 6 0 Table

linking table showing which sp_project is currently assigned to map a given clone to the zamir IL lines. also provides a modification history with is_current and created columns

sp_group_member 0 2 3 0 Table
sp_person_roles 0 2 3 234 Table
sp_roles 1 0 2 7 Table
sp_person 111 0 30 164 Table
bac_status_log 0 1 6 0 Table
sp_project 3 0 3 0 Table
forum_topic 1 1 9 0 Table
forum_post 0 2 7 0 Table
sp_organisms 1 0 2 0 Table
sp_order 1 2 7 0 Table
clone_verification_log 0 2 7 0 Table

table showing which clones have been validated by a variety of methods. columns may be added to this without warning. details about each validation experiment should be written into the comment field on the detail page for the clone

user_map 1 3 13 0 Table
sp_organization 1 0 13 0 Table
sp_group 1 0 3 0 Table
sp_token 0 1 5 138 Table
bac_status 0 1 6 0 Table
sp_dataset 0 1 7 0 Table
listprop 0 2 5 0 Table
sp_clone_il_mapping_segment_log 0 3 6 0 Table

linking table showing which phenome.individual IL line a given clone has been mapped to. also provides a modification history with is_current and created columns

sp_login_old 0 0 8 0 Table
clone_il_mapping_bin_log 0 3 8 0 Table

linking table showing which phenome.genotype_region a given clone has been mapped to. also provides a modification history with its is_current and created columns

sp_orderprop 0 2 5 0 Table
sp_papers 0 1 8 0 Table
list_item 0 1 3 1480 Table
sp_organization_person 0 1 3 0 Table
sp_project_organization 0 0 3 0 Table
sp_person_organisms 0 2 3 0 Table
user_map_data 0 3 12 0 Table
list_dbxref 0 2 4 0 Table
sp_project_person 0 2 4 0 Table
list 3 2 10 36 Table