
0 rows


table showing which clones have been validated by a variety of methods. columns may be added to this without warning. details about each validation experiment should be written into the comment field on the detail page for the clone


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
clone_verification_log_id serial 10 nextval('sgn_people.clone_verification_log_clone_verification_log_id_seq'::regclass)
sp_person_id int4 10 null
sp_person.sp_person_id clone_verification_log_sp_person_id_fkey R
clone_id int4 10 null
clone.clone_id clone_verification_log_clone_id_fkey R
ver_int_read bool 1 false
ver_bac_end bool 1 false
is_current bool 1 true
created timestamp 29,6 now()
