
535 rows


Genetic context. A genotype is defined by a collection of features, mutations, balancers, deficiencies, haplotype blocks, or engineered constructs.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
genotype_id serial 10 nextval('genotype_genotype_id_seq'::regclass)
feature_genotype.genotype_id feature_genotype_genotype_id_fkey C
genotypeprop.genotype_id genotypeprop_genotype_id_fkey C
materialized_genoview.genotype_id Implied Constraint R
nd_experiment_genotype.genotype_id nd_experiment_genotype_genotype_id_fkey C
phendesc.genotype_id phendesc_genotype_id_fkey C
phenotype_comparison.genotype1_id phenotype_comparison_genotype1_id_fkey C
phenotype_comparison.genotype2_id phenotype_comparison_genotype2_id_fkey C
phenstatement.genotype_id phenstatement_genotype_id_fkey C
stock_genotype.genotype_id stock_genotype_genotype_id_fkey C
name text 2147483647 null

Optional alternative name for a genotype, for display purposes.

uniquename text 2147483647 null

The unique name for a genotype; typically derived from the features making up the genotype.

description varchar 255 null
type_id int4 10 null
cvterm.cvterm_id genotype_type_id_fkey C
create_date timestamp 29,6 now()


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
genotype_pkey Primary key Asc genotype_id
genotype_c1 Must be unique Asc uniquename
genotype_idx1 Performance Asc uniquename
genotype_idx2 Performance Asc name
