
0 rows


Phenotypes are things like “larval lethal”. Phenstatements are things like “dpp-1 is recessive larval lethal”. So essentially phenstatement is a linking table expressing the relationship between genotype, environment, and phenotype.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
phenstatement_id serial 10 nextval('phenstatement_phenstatement_id_seq'::regclass)
genotype_id int4 10 null
genotype.genotype_id phenstatement_genotype_id_fkey C
environment_id int4 10 null
environment.environment_id phenstatement_environment_id_fkey C
phenotype_id int4 10 null
phenotype.phenotype_id phenstatement_phenotype_id_fkey C
type_id int4 10 null
cvterm.cvterm_id phenstatement_type_id_fkey C
pub_id int4 10 null
pub.pub_id phenstatement_pub_id_fkey C


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
phenstatement_pkey Primary key Asc phenstatement_id
phenstatement_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc genotype_id + phenotype_id + environment_id + type_id + pub_id
phenstatement_idx1 Performance Asc genotype_id
phenstatement_idx2 Performance Asc phenotype_id
