
0 rows


Linking table between feature and synonym


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
feature_synonym_id serial 10 nextval('feature_synonym_feature_synonym_id_seq'::regclass)
synonym_id int4 10 null
synonym.synonym_id feature_synonym_synonym_id_fkey C
feature_id int4 10 null
feature.feature_id feature_synonym_feature_id_fkey C
pub_id int4 10 null
pub.pub_id feature_synonym_pub_id_fkey C

the pub_id link is for relating the usage of a given synonym to the publication in which it was used

is_current bool 1 true

the is_current boolean indicates whether the linked synonym is the current -official- symbol for the linked feature

is_internal bool 1 false

typically a synonym exists so that somebody querying the db with an obsolete name can find the object theyre looking for (under its current name. If the synonym has been used publicly & deliberately (eg in a paper), it my also be listed in reports as a synonym. If the synonym was not used deliberately (eg, there was a typo which went public), then the is_internal boolean may be set to -true- so that it is known that the synonym is -internal- and should be queryable but should not be listed in reports as a valid synonym


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
feature_synonym_pkey Primary key Asc feature_synonym_id
feature_synonym_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc synonym_id + feature_id + pub_id
feature_synonym_idx1 Performance Asc synonym_id
feature_synonym_idx2 Performance Asc feature_id
feature_synonym_idx3 Performance Asc pub_id
