
3297 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
stock_relationship_id serial 10 nextval('stock_relationship_stock_relationship_id_seq'::regclass)
stock_relationship_cvterm.stock_relationship_id stock_relationship_cvterm_stock_relationship_id_fkey C
stock_relationship_pub.stock_relationship_id stock_relationship_pub_stock_relationship_id_fkey C
subject_id int4 10 null
stock.stock_id stock_relationship_subject_id_fkey C

stock_relationship.subject_id is the subject of the subj-predicate-obj sentence. This is typically the substock.

object_id int4 10 null
stock.stock_id stock_relationship_object_id_fkey C

stock_relationship.object_id is the object of the subj-predicate-obj sentence. This is typically the container stock.

type_id int4 10 null
cvterm.cvterm_id stock_relationship_type_id_fkey C

stock_relationship.type_id is relationship type between subject and object. This is a cvterm, typically from the OBO relationship ontology, although other relationship types are allowed.

value text 2147483647 null

stock_relationship.value is for additional notes or comments.

rank int4 10 0

stock_relationship.rank is the ordering of subject stocks with respect to the object stock may be important where rank is used to order these; starts from zero.

create_date timestamp 29,6 now()


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
stock_relationship_pkey Primary key Asc stock_relationship_id
stock_relationship_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc subject_id + object_id + type_id + rank
stock_relationship_idx1 Performance Asc subject_id
stock_relationship_idx2 Performance Asc object_id
stock_relationship_idx3 Performance Asc type_id
