
0 rows


each row represents a run of the fpc contig building program, with a result file, linked to a bunch of fingerprints that it uses, and containing a bunch of fpc contigs


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
fpc_build_id serial 10 nextval('fpc_build_fpc_build_id_seq'::regclass)
fpc_build_fpc_fingerprint.fpc_build_id fpc_build_fpc_fingerprint_fpc_build_id_fkey C
fpc_contig.fpc_build_id fpc_contig_fpc_build_id_fkey C
date date 13 null
file_base text 2147483647 null

file basename relative to the base path for keeping fpc data. the actual filenames are file_base.cor and file_base.fpc

comment text 2147483647 null
fpc_series_id int4 10 null
fpc_series.fpc_series_id fpc_build_fpc_series_id_fkey R


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
fpc_build_pkey Primary key Asc fpc_build_id
fpc_build_filename_key Must be unique Asc file_base
