
0 rows


Extensible properties for feature_relationships. Analagous structure to featureprop. This table is largely optional and not used with a high frequency. Typical scenarios may be if one wishes to attach additional data to a feature_relationship - for example to say that the feature_relationship is only true in certain contexts


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
feature_relationshipprop_id serial 10 nextval('feature_relationshipprop_feature_relationshipprop_id_seq'::regclass)
feature_relationshipprop_pub.feature_relationshipprop_id feature_relationshipprop_pub_feature_relationshipprop_id_fkey C
feature_relationship_id int4 10 null
feature_relationship.feature_relationship_id feature_relationshipprop_feature_relationship_id_fkey C
type_id int4 10 null
cvterm.cvterm_id feature_relationshipprop_type_id_fkey C

The name of the property/slot is a cvterm. The meaning of the property is defined in that cvterm. Currently there is no standard ontology for feature_relationship property types

value text 2147483647 null

The value of the property, represented as text. Numeric values are converted to their text representation. This is less efficient than using native database types, but is easier to query.

rank int4 10 0

Property-Value ordering. Any feature_relationship can have multiple values for any particular property type - these are ordered in a list using rank, counting from zero. For properties that are single-valued rather than multi-valued, the default 0 value should be used


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
feature_relationshipprop_pkey Primary key Asc feature_relationshipprop_id
feature_relationshipprop_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc feature_relationship_id + type_id + rank
feature_relationshipprop_idx1 Performance Asc feature_relationship_id
feature_relationshipprop_idx2 Performance Asc type_id
