
0 rows


Additional dbxrefs for an association. Rows in the feature_cvterm table may be backed up by dbxrefs. For example, a feature_cvterm association that was inferred via a protein-protein interaction may be backed by by refering to the dbxref for the alternate protein. Corresponds to the WITH column in a GO gene association file (but can also be used for other analagous associations). See http://www.geneontology.org/doc/GO.annotation.shtml#file for more details


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
feature_cvterm_dbxref_id serial 10 nextval('feature_cvterm_dbxref_feature_cvterm_dbxref_id_seq'::regclass)
feature_cvterm_id int4 10 null
feature_cvterm.feature_cvterm_id feature_cvterm_dbxref_feature_cvterm_id_fkey C
dbxref_id int4 10 null
dbxref.dbxref_id feature_cvterm_dbxref_dbxref_id_fkey C


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
feature_cvterm_dbxref_pkey Primary key Asc feature_cvterm_dbxref_id
feature_cvterm_dbxref_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc feature_cvterm_id + dbxref_id
feature_cvterm_dbxref_idx1 Performance Asc feature_cvterm_id
feature_cvterm_dbxref_idx2 Performance Asc dbxref_id
