
SchemaSpy Analysis of cxgn_breedbase.public

Generated on Fri Jul 19 16:30 EDT 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 258
Anomalies 12
Routines 62

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 11.22 (Debian 11.22-0+deb10u2)

Schema public

standard public schema


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
nd_experiment_protocol 0 2 3 535 Table

Linking table: experiments to the protocols they involve.

ara_interactome_all 0 0 7 0 Table
phenotypeprop 0 2 5 0 Table

A phenotype can have any number of slot-value property tags attached to it. This is an alternative to hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is completely extensible. There is a unique constraint, phenotypeprop_c1, for the combination of phenotype_id, rank, and type_id. Multivalued property-value pairs must be differentiated by rank.

pubprop 0 2 5 0 Table

Property-value pairs for a pub. Follows standard chado pattern - see sequence module for details

ara_domain 0 0 12 0 Table
ara_family 0 0 16 0 Table
feature_cvterm_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table

Additional dbxrefs for an association. Rows in the feature_cvterm table may be backed up by dbxrefs. For example, a feature_cvterm association that was inferred via a protein-protein interaction may be backed by by refering to the dbxref for the alternate protein. Corresponds to the WITH column in a GO gene association file (but can also be used for other analagous associations). See for more details

nd_experimentprop 0 2 5 7048 Table
environment_cvterm 0 2 3 0 Table
ara_gfp_ms 0 0 4 0 Table
unigene_signalp 0 2 21 0 Table
feature_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance. Linking table between features and publications that mention them

unigene_relations 0 2 4 0 Table
feature_relationship_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance. Attach optional evidence to a feature_relationship in the form of a publication

stock_cvterm 1 3 6 0 Table

stock_cvterm links a stock to cvterms. This is for secondary cvterms; primary cvterms should use stock.type_id.

materialized_view 0 0 9 0 Table
feature_cvterm 3 3 6 0 Table

Associate a term from a cv with a feature, for example, GO annotation

organismprop 0 2 5 7 Table

tag-value properties - follows standard chado model

nd_experiment_stock 2 3 4 6535 Table

Part of a stock or a clone of a stock that is used in an experiment

organism_relationship 0 3 4 0 Table
synonym 1 1 4 0 Table

A synonym for a feature. One feature can have multiple synonyms, and the same synonym can apply to multiple features

nd_geolocation_dbxref 0 2 4 0 Table
cvtermprop 0 2 5 1 Table

Additional extensible properties can be attached to a cvterm using this table. Corresponds to -AnnotationProperty- in W3C OWL format

fpc_build_fpc_fingerprint 0 2 3 0 Table

links fpc fingerprints to the builds that use them

phylonode_organism 0 2 3 0 Table

This linking table should only be used for nodes in taxonomy trees; it provides a mapping between the node and an organism. One node can have zero or one organisms, one organism can have zero or more nodes (although typically it should only have one in the standard NCBI taxonomy tree).

nd_experiment_phenotype 0 2 3 3502 Table

Linking table: experiments to the phenotypes they produce. There is a one-to-one relationship between an experiment and a phenotype since each phenotype record should point to one experiment. Add a new experiment_id for each phenotype record.

nd_protocol_reagent 0 3 4 0 Table
ara_intron 0 0 6 0 Table
nd_experiment_contact 0 2 3 0 Table
nd_protocol 5 1 5 2 Table

A protocol can be anything that is done as part of the experiment.

nd_geolocation 3 0 6 4 Table

The geo-referencable location of the stock. NOTE: This entity is subject to change as a more general and possibly more OpenGIS-compliant geolocation module may be introduced into Chado.

analysis 3 0 10 0 Table
glossary 0 0 3 0 Table
dbxref 59 1 5 60763 Table

A unique, global, public, stable identifier. Not necessarily an eXternal reference - can reference data items inside the particular chado instance being used. Typically a row in a table can be uniquely identified with a primary identifier (called dbxref_id); a table may also have secondary identifiers (in a linking table _dbxref). A dbxref is generally written as : or as ::.

stock_cvtermprop 0 2 5 0 Table

Extensible properties for stock to cvterm associations. Examples: GO evidence codes; qualifiers; metadata such as the date on which the entry was curated and the source of the association. See the stockprop table for meanings of type_id, value and rank.

stock 25 3 9 2940 Table

Any stock can be globally identified by the combination of organism, uniquename and stock type. A stock is the physical entities, either living or preserved, held by collections. Stocks belong to a collection; they have IDs, type, organism, description and may have a genotype.

ara_signalp 0 0 21 0 Table
cxgn_bac_pipeline_loading_log 0 0 9 0 Table
bug 0 3 12 0 Table
project_relationship 0 3 5 27 Table

A project can be composed of several smaller scale projects

blastwatch_queries 1 1 9 0 Table
phenotype_comparison 1 8 9 0 Table

Comparison of phenotypes e.g., genotype1/environment1/phenotype1 “non-suppressible” with respect to genotype2/environment2/phenotype2.

phylonode 7 4 9 0 Table

This is the most pervasive element in the phylogeny module, cataloging the “phylonodes” of tree graphs. Edges are implied by the parent_phylonode_id reflexive closure. For all nodes in a nested set implementation the left and right index will be between the parents left and right indexes.

nd_reagent 4 2 4 0 Table

A reagent such as a primer, an enzyme, an adapter oligo, a linker oligo. Reagents are used in genotyping experiments, or in any other kind of experiment.

ara_properties 0 0 9 0 Table
ara_interactome_unique 0 0 2 0 Table
cvprop 0 2 5 6 Table

Additional extensible properties can be attached to a cv using this table. A notable example would be the cv version

featureloc 1 2 12 0 Table

The location of a feature relative to another feature. IMPORTANT: INTERBASE COORDINATES ARE USED.(This is vital as it allows us to represent zero-length features eg splice sites, insertion points without an awkward fuzzy system). Features typically have exactly ONE location, but this need not be the case. Some features may not be localized (eg a gene that has been characterized genetically but no sequence/molecular info is available). NOTE ON MULTIPLE LOCATIONS: Each feature can have 0 or more locations. Multiple locations do NOT indicate non-contiguous locations (if a feature such as a transcript has a non-contiguous location, then the subfeatures such as exons should always be manifested). Instead, multiple featurelocs for a feature designate alternate locations or grouped locations; for instance, a feature designating a blast hit or hsp will have two locations, one on the query feature, one on the subject feature. features representing sequence variation could have alternate locations instantiated on a feature on the mutant strain. the column:rank is used to differentiate these different locations. Reflexive locations should never be stored - this is for -proper- (ie non-self) locations only; i.e. nothing should be located relative to itself

ara_myristoylation 0 0 2 0 Table
cvterm 87 2 7 8626 Table

A term, class, universal or type within an ontology or controlled vocabulary. This table is also used for relations and properties. cvterms constitute nodes in the graph defined by the collection of cvterms and cvterm_relationships

phenotype 8 6 13 3502 Table
contact_relationship 0 3 4 0 Table

Model relationships between contacts

phenotype_cvterm 0 2 4 0 Table
matviews 0 0 6 4 Table
featureprop_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance. Any featureprop assignment can optionally be supported by a publication

itag_loading_log 0 0 9 0 Table
stock_dbxref 1 2 4 0 Table

stock_dbxref links a stock to dbxrefs. This is for secondary identifiers; primary identifiers should use stock.dbxref_id.

ara_targetp 0 0 8 0 Table
cvtermpath 0 4 6 2435 Table

The reflexive transitive closure of the cvterm_relationship relation. For a full discussion, see the file populating-cvtermpath.txt in this directory

project_contact 0 2 3 0 Table

Linking project(s) to contact(s)

phenstatement 0 5 6 0 Table

Phenotypes are things like “larval lethal”. Phenstatements are things like “dpp-1 is recessive larval lethal”. So essentially phenstatement is a linking table expressing the relationship between genotype, environment, and phenotype.

cv 4 0 3 45 Table

A controlled vocabulary or ontology. A cv is composed of cvterms (aka terms, classes, types, universals - relations and properties are also stored in cvterm)) and the relationships between them

unigene_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table
tmp_cds_handler 1 0 7 0 Table
fpc_build 2 1 5 0 Table

each row represents a run of the fpc contig building program, with a result file, linked to a bunch of fingerprints that it uses, and containing a bunch of fpc contigs

genotypeprop 0 2 5 535 Table
cxgn_bac_pipeline_processing_log 0 0 9 0 Table
dbxrefprop 0 2 5 0 Table

Metadata about a dbxref. Note that this is not defined in the dbxref module, as it depends on the cvterm table. This table has a structure analagous to cvtermprop

stock_relationship 2 3 7 3297 Table
ara_pmidlink 0 0 2 0 Table
feature_dbxref 0 2 4 0 Table

links a feature to dbxrefs. This is for secondary identifiers; primary identifiers should use feature.dbxref_id

db 1 0 5 207 Table

A database authority. Typical dbs in bioinformatics are FlyBase, GO, UniProt, NCBI, MGI, etc. The authority is generally known by this sortened form, which is unique within the bioinformatics and biomedical realm. TODO - add support for URIs, URNs (eg LSIDs). We can do this by treating the url as a uri - however, some applications may expect this to be resolvable - to be decided

contact 5 1 4 0 Table

Model persons, institutes, groups, organizations, etc.

forward_amplicon_sequence_information 0 0 6 0 Table
blastwatch_results 0 1 8 0 Table
projectprop 0 2 5 55 Table
feature_cvterm_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Secondary pubs for an association. Each feature_cvterm association is supported by a single primary publication. Additional secondary pubs can be added using this linking table (in a GO gene association file, these corresponding to any IDs after the pipe symbol in the publications column

ara_sequence 0 0 8 0 Table
ara_prefix_info 0 0 2 0 Table
ara_map 0 0 5 0 Table
project_dbxref 0 2 4 0 Table
pubabstract 0 1 4 0 Table
phenotype_comparison_cvterm 0 3 5 0 Table
feature_relationship 2 3 6 0 Table

features can be arranged in graphs, eg exon part_of transcript part_of gene; translation madeby transcript if type is thought of as a verb, each arc makes a statement SUBJECT VERB OBJECT object can also be thought of as parent (containing feature), and subject as child (contained feature or subfeature) – we include the relationship rank/order, because even though most of the time we can order things implicitly by sequence coordinates, we cant always do this - eg transpliced genes. its also useful for quickly getting implicit introns

phylonode_relationship 0 4 6 0 Table

This is for relationships that are not strictly hierarchical; for example, horizontal gene transfer. Most phylogenetic trees are strictly hierarchical, nevertheless it is here for completeness.

pub_relationship 0 3 4 0 Table

Handle relationships between publications, eg, when one publication makes others obsolete, when one publication contains errata with respect to other publication(s), or when one publication also appears in another pub (I think these three are it - at least for fb)

stock_genotype 0 2 3 0 Table

Simple table linking a stock to a genotype. Features with genotypes can be linked to stocks thru feature_genotype -> genotype -> stock_genotype -> stock.

nd_experiment_project 0 2 3 4543 Table
feature_relationshipprop 1 2 5 0 Table

Extensible properties for feature_relationships. Analagous structure to featureprop. This table is largely optional and not used with a high frequency. Typical scenarios may be if one wishes to attach additional data to a feature_relationship - for example to say that the feature_relationship is only true in certain contexts

stock_dbxrefprop 0 2 5 0 Table

A stock_dbxref can have any number of slot-value property tags attached to it. This is useful for storing properties related to dbxref annotations of stocks, such as evidence codes, and references, and metadata, such as create/modify dates. This is an alternative to hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is completely extensible. There is a unique constraint, stock_dbxrefprop_c1, for the combination of stock_dbxref_id, rank, and type_id. Multivalued property-value pairs must be differentiated by rank.

stockcollection_stock 0 2 3 0 Table

stockcollection_stock links a stock collection to the stocks which are contained in the collection.

project 24 1 5 31 Table
forward_amplicon_sequence_markers 0 0 4 0 Table
stock_relationship_cvterm 0 3 4 0 Table

For germplasm maintenance and pedigree data, stock_relationship. type_id will record cvterms such as “is a female parent of”, “a parent for mutation”, “is a group_id of”, “is a source_id of”, etc The cvterms for higher categories such as “generative”, “derivative” or “maintenance” can be stored in table stock_relationship_cvterm

organism_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table
cxgn_bac_pipeline_genbank_log 0 0 9 0 Table
phylotree 3 3 6 0 Table

Global anchor for phylogenetic tree.

feature_synonym 0 3 6 0 Table

Linking table between feature and synonym

nd_geolocationprop 0 2 5 6 Table

Property/value associations for geolocations. This table can store the properties such as location and environment

featureloc_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance of featureloc. Linking table between featurelocs and publications that mention them

feature 21 3 13 0 Table

A feature is a biological sequence or a section of a biological sequence, or a collection of such sections. Examples include genes, exons, transcripts, regulatory regions, polypeptides, protein domains, chromosome sequences, sequence variations, cross-genome match regions such as hits and HSPs and so on; see the Sequence Ontology for more

stock_relationship_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance. Attach optional evidence to a stock_relationship in the form of a publication.

fpc_contig 1 1 3 0 Table

each row is an contig in an fpc build, linked to clones it contains via fpc_contig_clone table

cvterm_dbxref 0 2 4 11652 Table

In addition to the primary identifier (cvterm.dbxref_id) a cvterm can have zero or more secondary identifiers/dbxrefs, which may refer to records in external databases. The exact semantics of cvterm_dbxref are not fixed. For example: the dbxref could be a pubmed ID that is pertinent to the cvterm, or it could be an equivalent or similar term in another ontology. For example, GO cvterms are typically linked to InterPro IDs, even though the nature of the relationship between them is largely one of statistical association. The dbxref may be have data records attached in the same database instance, or it could be a “hanging” dbxref pointing to some external database. NOTE: If the desired objective is to link two cvterms together, and the nature of the relation is known and holds for all instances of the subject cvterm then consider instead using cvterm_relationship together with a well-defined relation.

gff_meta 0 0 3 0 Table
phylonode_pub 0 2 3 0 Table
genotype 9 1 6 535 Table

Genetic context. A genotype is defined by a collection of features, mutations, balancers, deficiencies, haplotype blocks, or engineered constructs.

pub_dbxref 0 2 4 2 Table

Handle links to eg, pubmed, biosis, zoorec, OCLC, mdeline, ISSN, coden…

ara_go_term 0 0 10 0 Table
environment 5 0 3 0 Table

The environmental component of a phenotype description.

tableinfo 0 0 8 0 Table
fpc_band 0 1 4 0 Table

each row is a band in a gel lane or capillary run

phylonode_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table

For example, for orthology, paralogy group identifiers; could also be used for NCBI taxonomy; for sequences, refer to phylonode_feature, feature associated dbxrefs.

analysisprop 0 2 4 0 Table
feature_cvtermprop 0 2 5 0 Table

Extensible properties for feature to cvterm associations. Examples: GO evidence codes; qualifiers; metadata such as the date on which the entry was curated and the source of the association. See the featureprop table for meanings of type_id, value and rank

nd_protocolprop 0 2 5 1 Table

Property/value associations for protocol.

nd_reagent_relationship 0 3 4 0 Table

Relationships between reagents. Some reagents form a group. i.e., they are used all together or not at all. Examples are adapter/linker/enzyme experiment reagents.

organism 23 1 9 4 Table

The organismal taxonomic classification. Note that phylogenies are represented using the phylogeny module, and taxonomies can be represented using the cvterm module or the phylogeny module

phylotree_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Tracks citations global to the tree e.g. multiple sequence alignment supporting tree construction.

featureprop 1 2 5 0 Table

A feature can have any number of slot-value property tags attached to it. This is an alternative to hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is completely extensible

fpc_contig_clone 0 2 4 0 Table

links fpc contigs with the clones that are a part of them

nd_experiment_stock_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table

Cross-reference experiment_stock to accessions, images, etc

nd_experiment_genotype 0 2 3 535 Table

Linking table: experiments to the genotypes they produce. There is a one-to-one relationship between an experiment and a genotype since each genotype record should point to one experiment. Add a new experiment_id for each genotype record.

resource_file 0 0 3 0 Table

each row defines a composite dataset, downloadable at the url cxgn-resource://name, that is composed of other downloadable datasets, according to the expression column. See CXGN::Tools::Wget for the accompanying code

stock_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance. Linking table between stocks and, for example, a stocklist computer file.

ara_evidef 0 0 3 0 Table
fpc_series 1 0 2 0 Table

each row here is one fpc build series, like “China FPC builds”. captures when different fpc builds are different versions of the same build

ara_scop 0 0 8 0 Table
nd_experiment_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Linking nd_experiment(s) to publication(s)

pub 36 1 15 1 Table

A documented provenance artefact - publications, documents, personal communication

cvterm_relationship 0 3 4 11002 Table

A relationship linking two cvterms. Each cvterm_relationship constitutes an edge in the graph defined by the collection of cvterms and cvterm_relationships. The meaning of the cvterm_relationship depends on the definition of the cvterm R refered to by type_id. However, in general the definitions are such that the statement all SUBJs REL some OBJ is true. The cvterm_relationship statement is about the subject, not the object. For example “insect wing part_of thorax”

stockcollectionprop 0 2 5 0 Table

The table stockcollectionprop contains the value of the stock collection such as website/email URLs; the value of the stock collection order URLs.

cxgn_indexedlog_test_feel_free_to_delete_me 0 0 9 0 Table
nd_experiment_dbxref 0 2 3 0 Table

Cross-reference experiment to accessions, images, etc

stockcollection 2 2 5 0 Table

The lab or stock center distributing the stocks in their collection.

tmp_gff_load_cache 0 2 4 0 Table
featureprop_json 0 3 7 0 Table
stockprop 1 2 5 6345 Table

A stock can have any number of slot-value property tags attached to it. This is an alternative to hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is completely extensible. There is a unique constraint, stockprop_c1, for the combination of stock_id, rank, and type_id. Multivalued property-value pairs must be differentiated by rank.

ara_annotation 0 0 16 0 Table
nd_experiment 12 2 4 4548 Table
pubauthor 0 1 7 0 Table

an author for a publication. Note the denormalisation (hence lack of _ in table name) - this is deliberate as it is in general too hard to assign IDs to authors.

analysisfeature 0 2 7 0 Table
marker_names 0 0 2 0 Table
stockprop_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance. Any stockprop assignment can optionally be supported by a publication.

fpc_fingerprint 2 2 4 0 Table

each row is a lane in a gel or a single capillary run of a single clone

signalp 0 0 21 0 Table
nd_experiment_stockprop 0 2 5 0 Table

Property/value associations for experiment_stocks. This table can store the properties such as treatment

organismpath 0 3 5 0 Table
phylonodeprop 0 2 5 0 Table
cvtermsynonym 0 2 4 2784 Table

A cvterm actually represents a distinct class or concept. A concept can be refered to by different phrases or names. In addition to the primary name ( there can be a number of alternative aliases or synonyms. For example, -T cell- as a synonym for -T lymphocyte-

project_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Linking project(s) to publication(s)

nd_reagentprop 0 2 5 0 Table
tmp_cds_handler_relationship 0 1 4 0 Table
phendesc 0 4 6 0 Table

A summary of a set of phenotypic statements for any one gcontext made in any one publication.

feature_genotype 0 4 7 0 Table
enzyme_restriction_sites 0 1 3 0 Table
feature_relationshipprop_pub 0 2 3 0 Table

Provenance for feature_relationshipprop

ara_users 0 0 7 0 Table
genotyping_projectsxtrait_components 0 1 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxtrials 0 1 2 0 View
breeding_programsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
materialized_stockprop 0 2 68 0 View
breeding_programsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
seedlotsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxtraits 0 1 2 0 View
all_gs_traits 0 1 2 0 View
materialized_genoview 0 2 5 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
plots 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxlocations 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxplants 0 0 2 0 View
trial_designsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
accessions 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxseedlots 0 0 2 0 View
seedlotsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxlocations 0 0 2 0 View
trial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
trialsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
materialized_phenotype_jsonb_table 0 3 41 0 View
trait_components 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxseedlots 0 0 2 0 View
materialized_markerview 0 1 9 0 View
family 0 0 9 0 View
trial_types 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxtrial_types 0 1 2 0 View
accessionsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxplants 0 0 2 0 View
plantsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxplots 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
seedlotsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxgenotyping_projects 0 1 2 0 View
plantsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
trial_designsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
plantsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
seedlotsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
gff3atts 0 1 3 0 View
accessionsxbreeding_programs 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxplots 0 1 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxgenotyping_protocols 0 1 2 0 View
seedlotsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
locations 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxlocations 0 1 2 0 View
plantsxplots 0 0 2 0 View
trial_typesxyears 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxplants 0 0 2 0 View
materialized_phenoview 0 2 9 0 View
locationsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
trait_componentsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
seedlots 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxgenotyping_protocols 0 0 2 0 View
gff3view 0 2 12 0 View
plantsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxplots 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxyears 0 1 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxplots 0 0 2 0 View
seedlotsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
traitsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
trait_componentsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
trial_designsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
traitsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
trait_componentsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
years 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxtrial_designs 0 1 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxplants 0 1 2 0 View
plantsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxplants 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxgenotyping_protocols 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxseedlots 0 0 2 0 View
plants 0 0 2 0 View
family_build 0 0 6 0 View
traitsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxtraits 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocols 0 0 2 0 View
breeding_programsxtrial_designs 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_protocolsxseedlots 0 0 2 0 View
trial_typesxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
traitsxtrials 0 0 2 0 View
traits 0 0 2 0 View
family_member 0 0 7 0 View
plantsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projects 0 1 2 0 View
breeding_programsxseedlots 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxtrial_types 0 0 2 0 View
trials 0 0 2 0 View
genotyping_projectsxseedlots 0 1 2 0 View
breeding_programs 0 0 2 0 View
locationsxplots 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxlocations 0 0 2 0 View
plotsxtrait_components 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxgenotyping_projects 0 1 2 0 View
trait_componentsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
plantsxseedlots 0 0 2 0 View
accessionsxyears 0 0 2 0 View
gffatts 0 1 3 0 View